We had a craft marathon today. I had only planned to do one craft today but my daughter was up and wide awake at 6:30 this morning. I figured we'd take the opportunity to do a messy craft while her brother was still sleeping.

Hands and feet were dipped in paints and turkeys were made. She had three of these turkeys made before we had even eaten breakfast!!! I learned a little about being flexible with my "schedule" of how I think our day should go.

Now, both sets of grandparents get their own footprint/fingerprint turkey for Thanksgiving. One, of course, is going to stay here with us. When the baby woke up, he was enthralled with the turkeys. His big sister has tried for weeks to get him to say, "gobble, gobble, gobble" and he finally did it! Her turkey craft was what he would point to each time he made the sound. His big sister was really proud!
Later in the afternoon, we decided to do an art project that both kiddos could do. We finger painted. This one is the 4 year old's...

Blogger turned the picture but if you tip your head, it says "MOM" and "DAD." Here is the 17 month old's...

I think he had more paint on his face than there was on the paper. I learned today that my little guy likes the taste of finger paint!!! He also loves taking the globs of finger paint and flinging them around the room...fun!
After the little guy went down for his nap, his sister said that she didn't think the hand print feathers really look like feathers. So, we got out some feathers and made another turkey. For this one's body, she traced her shoe on brown paper and I cut it out. Then she drew feet on it and glued feathers all around. I love how it turned out.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!!!